Tuesday, June 10, 2014

O2 - Part II

You would have thought today was Christmas.  I was giddy with anticipation for Joshua's appointment with the pediatrician.  I had our doctor bag packed with oodles of time to spare.  I know. I know.  I'm a weirdo.  Throughout all of last week, I thought today would be the big day - the day to remove the cannula and turn off his oxygen.

It wasn't. 

I knew it wouldn't be.  I was in some deep denial.  When his oxygen monitor would alarm a few too many times at night, I would think, "Oh but look how quickly he recovered!."  I was snapped out of denial at 6:30 this morning while I was trying to use the bulb suction on a screaming child while Jerry adjusted his oxygen level.

I'm grateful that happened.  I was prepared with realistic expectations before the doctor rather than having my hopes crushed by him.  I realized my longing for Joshua to be through with his oxygen tank was more of a selfish desire for an easier life.

So we will just keep on progressing with more frequent checks by the doctor knowing that he probably won't be carrying an oxygen tank in his backpack on the first day of kindergarten. 

We sure love this boy!


emma call said...

Love the pictures, and the words. So proud of you and your little family. Where did you get such a handsome guy? :-)

emma call said...

Love this picture and the words. So proud of you and your little family. Where did you get such a handsome guy? :-)