Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New Words

Joshua babbles a lot, but is going at his own pace when developing distinguishable words.  His first word was "dada," of course.  And in the past weeks he has his own versions of cheese, kiss, and fishies which all sound remarkably similar.  Thanks to grandma entertaining in the car for an hour or so with "This Little Piggy," he says "'iggies" with delight.

But on Father's Day, he mastered a new word, "mama."  But it is more like a desperate command, "mamaMAMAMamam."  We felt the timing was ironic.


Unknown said...

Yay, Joshua! Sounds like he has the most important words down. Love this picture of you two!

Joe and Joanne said...

LOL. That is ironic timing, and funny. Smart Joshua! That's a lot of words already!