Dear Family and Friends,
At the beginning of another Christmas
season, our thoughts are drawn to those that we love both near and far. We think of you often and want only good
things for you. We are pleased to report
that we are celebrating our fourth Christmas in Washington. This is the longest we have lived anywhere,
and we are grateful for our time in this beautiful area.
Henry turned three in the summer. He has become surprisingly chatty and
outgoing while also remaining an observer.
He loves preschool, especially painting.
Joshua spent the summer coloring,
cutting, gluing, and writing. You can
imagine everyone’s joy when he started kindergarten. He loves school and has perfected a happy
dance when conquering new words and sentences.
Michelle has enjoyed traveling with the
family to Portland, OR, Maine, Vancouver, BC, and Leavenworth, WA. Local adventures even included a visit to the
top of the Space Needle. She has begun
her biggest writing project yet which is still a massive work in progress.
Jerry continues to work at the Stretch
Island Fruit plant, but is now employed by Ferrara Candy Company. He is enjoying challenges and opportunities
that have come with a new company. The
family enjoys the multitude of treats.
We love you all and wish you a wonderful
Michelle, Jerry, Joshua, and Henry